A praying man is a powerful man.
For many of you this passage is familiar. Yet, the majority of those who read it think it is about God scolding his people or being angry with them. Quite the contrary… I will tell you more on that below. However, for now; Men, I want you to know that you have power at your fingertips! You have power within the grasp of your hands! Simply reach out your fingers and stretch out your hands and by FAITH …pray!
PRAYER is the power that covers your children, strengthens your spouse and protects your family.PRAYER is power that keeps you employed or closes the door on one job and opens the window of opportunity to the next.
George Washington prayed!
Abraham Lincoln prayed!
Martin Luther King, Jr. prayed!
Moses prayed!
King David prayed!
These great men knew about the great power of prayer. Do you?
Now…back to the verse above. The context of the verse above was one of a joyous occasion. King Solomon had completed building the great temple in Jerusalem and for seven days the city feasted (somebody knew how to throw a party)! It was at that time King Solomon realized things were going great (i.e. and symbolically, money in the bank, bills current, new job, nice car, nice house… and in this case, a new multi-billion dollar temple dedicated to the Lord), and consequently, they had a lot for which to be thankful and pray. But what happens after the partying is over? What happens when things take a turn for the worse? What happens if jobs are lost, bank account is in the negative, or perhaps a family member is ill and fighting for dear life? What happens when a wife walks out and it’s your fault; or when drinking and/or other vices are excessive? What happens when mess ups reach magnitude? God, what happens when your people turn away from you and start living lives too busy for you? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN OUR WORK BECOMES OUR WORSHIP? That was essentially Solomon’s prayer to God and here was God’s response:
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
What happens when men pray? Powerful things happen. Objects in the universe shift in your favor. A praying man is a powerful man. My Prayer God to do your will only. Trey Louis Noran
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